G4611 G1


4611Siloam {sil-o-am'} 属希伯来原字07975;;专有地名 AV-Siloam 3;3 西罗亚="奉差遣"

2)西罗亚塔,可能曾是靠近或超过西罗亚池的一个塔, 倒塌而致十八人死亡;好似他们要洁净自己(Gill)

4611Siloam {sil-o-am'} of Hebrew origin 07975;;n pr loc AV-Siloam 3;3 Siloam ="sent"

1)the Pool of Siloam,a fountain of water in Jerusalem,also called Shiloah in Isa.8:6
2)the Tower of Siloam,may have been a tower near or over the Pool of Siloam,which fell down killing 18men;very likely they were purifying themselves.(Gill)